Should Grain Marketing be a daily exercise in market speculation? Heartland Commodities and Securities says no! Whether you have grain in storage waiting to be moved and priced, grain in the ground waiting for harvest, or planning for next year, Heartland Commodities and Securities specializes in developing, analyzing, and monitoring your revenue projections from the time you plan for next years crop through the harvest of that crop.

As a grain revenue management consulting firm we review the array of different revenue scenarios.  We determine what your expectations and tolerance to revenue volatility may be.  These matrices demonstrate a small sample of our proprietary system that will help you become a revenue manager rather than a market speculator. 

Based on your anticipated acreage to be planted by crop and using your current APH, our first report will demonstrate your projected revenue over a range of crop prices.  Based on this price matrix, our next question is not how much you want to make, but at what price is your projected revenue can decline before your business is financially challenged.  Our understanding of all markets including cash sales, HTA’s, structured contracts, futures, and options along with our proprietary reporting will provide you the highest level of knowledge in meeting your revenue projections and needs.    

We are not looking for you to commit to us. We are looking for the opportunity to provide to you additional knowledge of a complex task that will allow you to make a better decision for your farming operation. Once we earn your trust then maybe we can discuss a longer-term business relationship.